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Plants. Great Bardfield | Plant Shop & Plant Nursery | Plants & Pots | Garden Centre | Braintree | Essex


Please find below a list of our standard catalogue of plants we regularly stock - as per the season.

Throughout the seasons, we have regular plant deliveries. Please ask us if you had something in mind and couldn't find it listed on our plant lists or in-store (we can usually source most plants) & for current availability, pot sizes, varieties and prices. Contact us: email. or telephone. 01371 829333.


Achillea, Agapanthus, Agastache, Ajuga, Alcea, Alchemillia, Alstroemeria, Anemone, Aquilegia, Anthemis, Armeria, Artemisia, Asteibe, Astelia, Aster, Astrantia

Bergenia, Brunnera

Campanula, Canna, Carex, Centraurea, Centranthus, Chrysantemum, Cimicifuga, Coreopsis, Cortaderia, Crocosmia

Delephinium, Dianthus, Digitalis

Echinacea, Echinops, Erigeron, Eryngium, Erysimum, Eupatorium, Euphorbia


Gaillardia, Gaura, Geranium, Geum, Gypsophilia

Helenium, Helianthus, Heuchera, Hosta


Knautia, Kniphofia

Lamium, Lavandula, Leucanthemum, Ligularia, Lilium, Lithodora, Lobelia, Lupin, Lysimachia, Lythrum


Nepeta, Nerine

Ophiopogon, Oxalis

Paeonia, Panicum, Papaver, Penstemon, Perovskia, Persicaria, Phlox, Polemonium, Polygonatum, Primula, Pulmonaria, Pulsatillia

Rhodanthemum, Rosmarius, Rudbeckia

Salvia, Saxifrage, Scabious, Sedum, Sempervivum, Soleirolia, Stachys, Stipa

Thymus, Tiarella

Verbascum, Verbena, Veronica, Vinca


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